Where We Work

A Simple Mission: Find the best golf possible on the sites we are given... and have fun doing it.

We have established ourselves as one of the leading firms to consider if you have a great site. This is in large part because we work so hard to preserve the personality of the land. We will never stop hungering for opportunities to discover golf on beautiful ground.

However, over the years we have come to understand that great clients are just as important as great property. Big budget or small, flat land or steep, the most important resource we can be given is the license to stretch ourselves creatively. The better our relationship with our clients, the more fun it is to come back and play our courses once they’re finished.

We will consider any project that promises a chance to build something special, anywhere in the world. Our experience with world-class sites has given us a unique ability to find interesting features on the ground that others might miss and our hands-on approach to design and construction allows us to protect and highlight the subtle character of the land. Our ability to shape and guide the construction of a golf course has added value in exotic locales, where golf course contractors are in short supply.

At the same time, we would love to find more projects close to home to balance out the demands of travel on our lives. New projects in the Great Lakes region are all within an hour’s flight of Traverse City and our second home in Denver puts us within easy reach of much of the western U.S.

Our mission is to find the best golf we can on each site we are given — and to have fun doing it. That is a principle that can be applied to any new project.